05. 04. 2019

5 people travel on 1 ticket: Lead City Ticket now on SWB easy.GO app

You can now buy the Bonn Lead City Ticket using the SWB easy.GO app. You can find the ticket in the menu under "Purchase a Ticket".

As part of Lead City, a project funded by the German federal government, SWB offers a 24-hour ticket for five people priced at €8.80.

This is equivalent to the price of a 24-hour ticket for one person in the city area of Bonn. So, that means the other four people travel for free. 

The ticket is only valid in the Bonn city area. It is also accepted by other transport companies that operate in Bonn. Say, for example, you would like to travel from the main train station in Bonn to Bad Godesberg station, you can also use this ticket on the DB German federal railways.

The ticket is valid for:

  • Ticket for 24 hours
  • Five people
  • Bonn city area


More information on the Lead City Ticket

Any questions?

Please feel free to speak to SWB on tel. 0049 228 / 711-1.